A quick post this morning. We hit the nine-month mark yesterday! And I was actually able to read 30 pages of a book for the first time in a year on that day...the tide has turned and life is beginning a new phase of normalcy. We are heading out for a trip the end of this week, and I'll be back home by myself on Monday and Tuesday, which I am looking forward to, but I know I'll be missing my little munchkin horribly!
Wow. How did we make it this far??? My husband made an interesting comment yesterday: "You must be feeling calm to be reading again." He's so right. Only when there's no angst, no drama, no upset, can I be swept away in a novel. And it's been years, literally. I've been reading in bed after my daughter drifts off, before she wakes up for her nighttime cuddle. What a pleasure it is to hold a solid, beautiful book in my hands again! I think of the dramas that have been consuming me, and am so grateful that I am gracefully coping now. And so grateful for the little life who wants to cuddle with me every night.
My father is out of my life completely and my sister and brother-in-law have no contact with me. It should leave a gap in my little family's life, but we feel completely filled. The only other relationship that is up in the air knows where I can be contacted and what boundaries I have to put down, but I am not holding my breath. I'm okay with either way, as I am sure the other party is, too. It's really the other party's decision. <3
This is what I'm referring to:
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